Exhibits and Displays

Designated spaces within the library for exhibit or display include end-of-shelving units on the upper floor and the tops of some bookcases in the Carnegie Library. Cafe tables may be used for special floral arrangements for a limit of 1 week. Spaces available on the lower floor include walls in the community room where you will find display wiring. The tops of some shelving units may also be used with permission from the Library Director. Art exhibits can only be up for a maximum of two weeks and must be installed and removed by the dates specified. 

You must acknowledge that you read and understand the Community Exhibit Policy, fill out the Exhibit Application form completely, and have a signed and dated release form before you can exhibit or display in the Library. You must also list which spaces you would like to use before approval will be given. Please be as specific as possible.  Please open the link to the following forms, fill them out and send them to Lee Ann Amend, Library Director at Lamend@sharon.ocln.org.  You are responsible for loss, damaged or missing items should you decide to exhibit in the library.  

To apply for exhibit or display space, please read our Community Exhibit Policy and then fill out the Exhibit Application and the Exhibit Release Form.