Museum Passes

Most of the museum passes are funded by the Friends of the Sharon Public Library (FOSPL).

Thanks to a special donation by Dan and Marcia Shimshak, Providence Children's Museum passes are now available. 

Museum Pass Reservation Policy:

  • Passes are available for Sharon residents only.
  • Passes are free.
  • Passes are loaned for one day.
  • Patrons may book two passes per week, but only one pass per week from the same institution.
  • Patrons may book a museum pass up to 14 days in advance.
  • Circulating museum passes may be checked out only the day before or the day of your museum visit (except for conflicting library closures). Physical passes that do not need to be returned to the library (non-circulating) may be checked out a few days before your museum visit.
  • Circulating passes may be returned to the Adult Circulation Desk. Otherwise, they may be returned after hours in the Media Return slot at the lower entrance of the Library.
  • Overdue circulating passes will accrue a late fee of $1.00 per day.
  • Museum pass reservations may be canceled anytime within the initial confirmation email or any reminder email.

Additional Information:

  • We strongly recommend contacting the museum directly before your visit to confirm pass offerings and admission fees, hours, and procedures.
  • Pass offerings and admission fees, hours, and procedures are subject to change without notice. 

Download our Musuem Pass Brochure here. Please call the Adult Circulation Desk with any questions at 781-784-1578 x1420.